(and some we know are bound to be asked … frequently!)
Do I have to register for the events?
First, it is very helpful to us as we make arrangements for activities if you register. You may think of yourself as “only one person”, but a lot of You’s add up fast. We want to make sure we have enough fun to go around (and we don’t get into trouble with our Fire Marshal) so please register on our website. “Will attending” does not give us a reliable count. Again, it helps us a lot if you register all members of your party that plan to attend any or all of the events that make up the Going Caching 2024 experience. When registration opens, we will inform everyone via the Going Caching 2024 Mega-Event cache page and our Facebook page.
Is there any cost to attend the Going Caching 2024 events?
No, but … to help raise money for all this “free” fun, we do offer several Mega-Event related items in our online store. These items, such as event geocoins, pathtags and even the event program itself are actually game pieces used to participate in many of the GPS adventures and challenges at Going Caching. In addition to being great mementos of all the fun you had, you’ll find all this stuff quite useful during the fun and games. That being said, all Going Caching 2024 events are free to attend and open to the public.
Will meals be served at Going Caching this year?
There will be food trucks on site for the Friday night event and most of Saturday for the Mega-Event. There will not be formal meals with meal tickets this year.
If I buy a Patron-level Package with access to the Patrons’ Lounge Tent, can my family come in with me and get snacks and drinks?
This year we are offering a Co-Patron’s package which is really a Patron’s Package-for-two at a substantial savings over two single Patron’s Packages. While we certainly appreciate your generous support for Going Caching 2024, the Patrons’ Tent is limited to individuals or couples who purchase the Patron’s or Co-Patron’s Packages and are wearing the Patron wristband. We do not have family pricing for patrons.
I’ve never been to a Going Caching Mega-Event before. What should I expect?
In 2023, over 1,000 geocachers attended the Going Caching Mega-Event making it the 3rd largest geocaching Mega-Event in North America. This year, we expect even more cachers will attend and enjoy the geocaching, games, prizes and fun at Going Caching 2024! There is always so much going on at a Going Caching Mega-Event, the only thing you’ll wish you had more of is time to do it all. In addition to the main event, there will be smaller events throughout the week with geocaching games, contests, some pretty tasty food trucks, and a Friday night stage show. You can play geocaching related games and win some of the over $5,000 in prizes. Best of all, you get the chance to meet geocachers from all over. Some will have over 40,000 finds; while for others, Going Caching 2024 will be their very first smiley. All you really have to do is show up—the fun will come to you!
Can I attend just one event?
Certainly. We hope to see you at as many of the events as possible, but we realize that not everyone can make it to all seven. Some geocachers will attend just the main event on Saturday, while others might only be in town Thursday or Friday. Then again, many will be there for the entire week.
With all that’s going on, will I have time to geocache?
Going Caching 2024 kicks off on Wednesday evening at the Civic Center in Rome, Georgia for early-bird package pick-up. Even though we have a lot of activities planned, there will be ample time for you to geocache in and around town, plus on many of the hiking trails and bike paths in Rome. Loads of new geocaches will publish throughout the week. Although we do have a lot of fun things scheduled, you should be able to grab a bunch of caches while you’re “going caching”.
Where is everyone staying during Going Caching 2024?
Rome enjoys many hotels and motels in various price ranges. We have found that, even when we negotiated special prices in the past, the best deals could be found online. Therefore, we do not have a host hotel this year. There are a few camping areas in the general vicinity. Camping is the one thing that we wish Rome had more of. You can find more about hotels and camping by clicking the “Where To Stay” tab at the top of the page. Our Facebook page is a good place to let your friends know where you’re staying.
What’s the deal with the Cache-Cards?
Cache-Cards are part fun and part fund-raiser. They make a really cool signature item you can leave in geocaches to say “I was here … and I’m Going Caching.” They’re also a lot of fun to trade with your geocaching friends. When we print your cards, we print a few extra that will be included in random packs for sale at Going Caching 2024. Also included in the random packs are “Instant Prize” coupons, pieces of a puzzle that will lead you to a hidden mystery location, and a few other surprises we have up our sleeve. To have your own personal card made, email us your photo for the front and some information for the back. We’ll send you a proof of what your card will look like. Once your cards are printed we can either mail them to you or hand deliver them the next time we see you at an event. For details and ordering instructions, click the Cache-Cards tab at the top of the page.
What date does the Going Caching on-line store close?
The on-line store is now open. The cut-off for package sales and individual items is August 31st or until items are sold out. A few items will be available at the on-site store during Going Caching 2024.
Will you ship items to other countries?
Unfortunately, we have had difficulties getting packages through customs, therefore we will not ship purchases outside the United States.
If I don’t purchase a package or buy name badge wallet, will I get a name tag?
We will have generic (blank), self-sticking name tags available at the Hospitality Tent for folks who did not purchase a name badge wallet.
I just purchased an event package on your online store using PayPal. I gave my address so will these be mailed to me or do I pick them up at the event?
Except for Cache-Cards, we are not mailing purchases of event packages and other event items prior to the events. Purchases may be picked up at all the events except Thursday evening’s Flash Mob event. If you are unable to claim your purchases, please make arrangements for a friend to do so. Email us and let us know who you are authorizing to pick up your purchases. If that doesn’t work for you, please email us and we can make arrangements to mail your purchases to you after the events.
I’ve heard about the BIG DRAWING tickets. How do I get them and do I have to be present to win?
BIG DRAWING tickets are not available in our store due to PayPal fees, but you can purchase them at the on-site store during most of the events. The BIG DRAWING is the only game/contest where you do not have to be present to win. We will notify you at the earliest possible time that you have won a prize. You should immediately make arrangements to have a friend pick up your prize for you.
What cache page should I use to drop Travel Bugs and Geocoins?
We recommend you do not drop Travel Bugs in large events such as Going Caching 2024. Travel Bugs want to be in geocaches, not get lost in Mega-Events. There will not be a Travel Bug tent at Going Caching 2024. It is your responsibility to find someone to pick up any travelers you wish to leave.
What will the weather be like this October in Rome, Georgia?
It’s going to be beautiful with sunny skies, highs in the low 70s, and perfect cool but comfortable temps at night … at least we hope so! (Ask some of the attendees about 2019. Ouch!)
Are pets allowed at Going Caching 2024?
YES! Pets are allowed at the Going Caching 2024 events held in Ridge Ferry Park provided they are on a leash no longer than 6 feet (no quarter-mile extender leashes, please!). Please stay on good terms with the Going Caching Crew and your fellow cachers by cleaning up after your pet. However, pets are not allowed in any of the buildings or tents in the park. Pets are allowed at many of the businesses on Broad Street. Just look for the “Paws Permited” decal at the shop or restaurant entrance. Of course, it’s always polite to ask!
I take it that costumes fitting the theme are worn for all events but if there is caching involved, do I wear my costume for that or just regular caching clothes?
We do encourage detective (or criminal mastermind) attire, especially at the Thursday Flash Mob and the Saturday evening party. Of course, many attendees will be wearing their costumes as much as they can and it is appropriate at all the events. However, you might be more comfortable in your normal caching clothing while actually geocaching out on the trails. Just don’t be surprised if you cross paths with snooping detectives or safe-cracking thieves. They may or may not be geocachers!
How come my question isn’t listed here?
Good question. It could be because no one’s asked it yet. Just click the “Contact” tab at the top of the page and we’ll prepare a witty response for you in no time. We might even include it on this FAQ page.